
Design custom dashboards with data from Salesforce.

Numerics lets you easily display custom data from your Salesforce.

SOQL Count

For the Query, specify an SOQL query that returns a single column, single row number response. The value is displayed as the main number tally. For the postfix, please enter a text label that is used as units and displayed under the main number.

For example, adding the following query:

| select sum(amount) valuecolumn from opportunity where iswon=true |

Should display the amount of total won opportunities from your chosen Salesforce account.

SOQL Count Change

For the Query, specify an aggregate SOQL query that returns a single column, two row number response. The column MUST be named ‘valuecolumn’ in the query. The first row value from the response is displayed in the widget as the main number tally and the second row value is used to calculate and display the percentage difference between the two values. For the postfix, please enter a text label that is used as units and displayed under the main number..

For example, adding the following query:

| select count(id) valuecolumn from opportunity where isclosed=false group by DAY_IN_YEAR(createddate) |

Should display the number of opportunities created today and its relative change from the previous day, from your chosen Salesforce account.

SOQL Day Density

For the Query, specify an aggregate SOQL query that returns a two column response. One column MUST be named ‘valuecolumn’ in the query and must contain number values. The other column MUST be named ‘datecolumn’ and must contain dates. The values from the response are used to draw a day density chart, where the values represent the density of the date in the same row. Values for only one month are used and rest are ignored.

For example, adding the following query:

| SELECT DAY_ONLY(CreatedDate) datecolumn, sum(amount) valuecolumn FROM Opportunity WHERE CreatedDate = this_month and IsClosed = false GROUP BY DAY_ONLY(CreatedDate) ORDER BY DAY_ONLY(CreatedDate) ASC |

Should display a calendar of days highlighting the days based on closed opportunity amounts (the highest values show the brightest days) from your chosen Salesforce account.


For the Query, specify an aggregate SOQL query that returns a single column number response. The column MUST be named ‘valuecolumn’ in the query. Upto 50 values from the top rows of the response is used to plot a line graph. For the postfix, please enter a text label that is used as units and displayed under the main value.

For example, adding the following query:

| SELECT DAY_ONLY(CreatedDate) date, sum(amount) valuecolumn FROM Opportunity WHERE CreatedDate = this_month and IsClosed = false GROUP BY DAY_ONLY(CreatedDate) ORDER BY DAY_ONLY(CreatedDate) ASC |

Should display a line graph plotting your opportunity amount values against time for this month from your chosen Salesforce account.

SOQL Toplist

For the Query, specify an aggregate SOQL query that returns a two column response. One column MUST be named ‘valuecolumn’ in the query and must contain number values. The other column MUST be named ’namecolumn’ and can contain text. The first 5 values from the response are used to draw a funnel chart / top list chart.

Tip: To get a top list, apply a sort in your query.

For the Value Header, please enter a text label that is used as units and displayed under the bar graphs. For the Name Header, please enter a text label that is used as a title to the names of items in the funnel and is displayed under the list of names.

For example, adding the following query:

| select namecolumn, sum(totalprice) valuecolumn from opportunitylineitem where product2.Name != NULL and opportunity.closedate=this_year group by order by sum(totalprice) desc limit 5 |

Should display your top selling products from your chosen Salesforce account.

SOQL Named Line

For the Query, specify an aggregate SOQL query that returns a two column response. One column MUST be named ‘valuecolumn’ in the query and must contain number values. The other column MUST be named ’namecolumn’ and can contain text. Upto 50 values from the top rows of the response is used to plot a line graph and text from the respective namecolumn rows are used as the y-axis label for each point. For the postfix, please enter a text label that is used as units and displayed under the main value.

For example, adding the following query:

| SELECT DAY_ONLY(CreatedDate) namecolumn, sum(amount) valuecolumn FROM Opportunity WHERE CreatedDate = this_month and IsClosed = false GROUP BY DAY_ONLY(CreatedDate) ORDER BY DAY_ONLY(CreatedDate) ASC |

Should display a line graph plotting your opportunity amount values against time for this month from your chosen Salesforce account.


FFor the Query, specify an aggregate SOQL query that returns a two column response. One column MUST be named ‘valuecolumn’ in the query and must contain number values. The other column MUST be named ’namecolumn’ and can contain text. The first 5 values from the response are used to draw a pie chart and the remaining values are added up to display the 6th pie slice labeled ‘Other’.

For example, adding the following query:

| select count(id) valuecolumn,stagename namecolumn from opportunity where isclosed=true and closedate = today group by stagename |

Should display a pie of your won vs lost opportunities from your chosen Salesforce account.

SOQL Label

For the Query, specify an SOQL query that returns a single column, single row text response. The value is displayed as the main label.

For example, adding the following query:

| select status from lead where name = ‘Jean-Luc Picard’ |

Should display the status of a lead named Jean-Luc Picard from your chosen Salesforce account.

SOQL Timer

For the Query, specify an SOQL query that returns a single column, single row text response. The date value is automatically converted into a timer that counts up or down to an event.

For example, adding the following query:

| select StartDate, Name from Campaign where StartDate > TODAY order by StartDate ASC LIMIT 1 |

Should display a timer counting down to the start date of the next upcoming campaign. The campaign name will be displayed as the event name below the timer from your chosen Salesforce account.

SOQL Gauge

For the Query, specify an SOQL query that returns a single column, single row text response. The values are used to display the progress on a gauge chart with the current status and the defined goal.

For example, adding the following query:

| select SUM(Amount) value, SUM(ExpectedRevenue)maxValue from Opportunity where isClosed = true AND CloseDate <= THIS_QUARTER |

Should display the revenue target achieved in this quarter in a gauge with the Amount as the current status and Expected Revenue as the target from your chosen Salesforce account.