Zoho Anlaytics

Design custom dashboards with data from Zoho Analytics.

Numerics lets you easily display custom data from your Zoho Analytics.

Zoho Reports Count

For the query, specify a CloudSQL query that includes the Tables and Columns from your chosen Workspace. The value fetched by the query is displayed as the main label and the column name is displayed as the postfix.

For example, for the following query:

| select sum(“sales”) as “sales” from Orders |

Numerics will fetch and sum all the sales records from the Orders table in the chosen Workspace and display the sum of all sales as a number. The field name in the query or the alias for the sum value, in this case sales, will be displayed as the postfix.

Zoho Reports Label

For the query, specify a CloudSQL query that includes the Tables and Columns from your chosen Workspace. The value fetched by the query is displayed as the main label and the column name is displayed as the postfix.

For example, for the following query:

| select “Customer Name” as “Customer Name” from Orders where Profit > 200 LIMIT 1 |

Numerics will fetch the Customer Name with a profit value greater than 200 from the Customer Name table in the chosen Workspace and display the name as a text label. The field name in the query or the alias if provided will be displayed as the postfix.

Zoho Reports Count and Change

For the query, specify a CloudSQL query that includes the Tables and Columns from your chosen Workspace. The value fetched by the query is displayed as the main label and the column name is displayed as the postfix.

For example, for the following query:

| select sum(“Expected Revenue”) as “Expected Revenue” from potentials GROUP BY CAST(“Closing Date” as DATE) ORDER BY “Closing Date” DESC LIMIT 2 |

Numerics will fetch the sum of records for Expected Revenue from the potentials table grouped by closing date in a descending order in the chosen Workspace and display the Expected Revenue value as a number along with a percentage difference from the previous value. The field name in the query or the alias if provided will be displayed as the postfix.

Zoho Reports Day Density Chart

For the query, specify a CloudSQL query that includes the Tables and Columns from your chosen Workspace.

For example, for the following query:

| select date_format(“Closing Date”, ‘%Y-%m-%d’) as Date, sum(“Expected Revenue”) as “Expected Revenue” from potentials WHERE year(“Closing Date”) = 2018 and month(“Closing Date”) = 4 GROUP BY CAST(“Closing Date” as DATE) ORDER BY “Closing Date” DESC |

Numerics will fetch the sum of the Expected Revenue for all the Closing Date records from the month of April 2018 from the potentials table and display the sum value of Expected Revenue for each date of the month in a month density calendar. Please ensure the date format is %Y-%m-%d as per the Numerics Widget Data Specification.

Zoho Reports Gauge

For the query, specify a CloudSQL query that includes the Tables and Columns from your chosen Workspace. The value fetched by the query is displayed as the main label and the column name is displayed as the postfix.

For example, for the following query:

| SELECT curTemp as temperature, minTemp, maxTemp FROM Weather LIMIT 1 |

Numerics will fetch the records for the current temperature along with min and max temperatures from the Weather table in the chosen Workspace and display the temperature as a gauge with the min and max values. The field name in the query or the alias if provided will be displayed as the postfix.

Zoho Reports Hour Density Chart

For the query, specify a CloudSQL query that includes the Tables and Columns from your chosen Workspace.

For example, for the following query:

| select HOUR(“Created Time”) as Hour, sum(“Expected Revenue”) as “Expected Revenue” from potentials WHERE YEAR(“Created Time”) = 2018 GROUP BY Hour |

Numerics will fetch the sum of records for Expected Revenue for each hour for the year 2018 from the potentials table in the chosen Workspace and display the sum value of Expected Revenue through the year for every hour in an density clock chart.

Zoho Reports Line Graph

For the query, specify a CloudSQL query that includes the Tables and Columns from your chosen Workspace.

For example, for the following query:

| select sum(“Expected Revenue”) as “Expected Revenue” from potentials GROUP BY CAST(“Closing Date” as DATE) ORDER BY “Closing Date” DESC Limit 30 |

Numerics will fetch the sum of records for Expected Revenue from the potentials table grouped by the Closing date in a descending order in the chosen Workspace and display the sum value of Expected Revenue for 30 days in a line graph. The line graph will show a maximum of 31 values.

Zoho Reports Named Line Graph

For the query, specify a CloudSQL query that includes the Tables and Columns from your chosen Workspace.

For example, for the following query:

| select date_format(“Closing Date”, ‘%Y-%m-%d’) as Date, sum(“Expected Revenue”) as “Expected Revenue” from potentials GROUP BY CAST(“Closing Date” as DATE) ORDER BY “Closing Date” DESC Limit 30 |

Numerics will fetch the sum of records for Expected Revenue from the potentials table grouped by the Closing Date in a descending order in the chosen Workspace and display the sum value of Expected Revenue for 30 days in a line graph on the dashboard. The field name in the query or the alias if provided will be displayed as the postfix. The line graph will show a maximum of 31 values.

Zoho Reports Pie Chart

For the query, specify a CloudSQL query that includes the Tables and Columns from your chosen Workspace.

For example, for the following query:

| select stage as Stage, sum(“Expected Revenue”) as “Expected Revenue” from potentials where type=‘New Business’ and “Lead Source” = ‘Cold Call’ GROUP BY stage ORDER BY “Expected Revenue” DESC |

Numerics will fetch the records of Expected Revenue for all stages from the potentials table in a descending order where the type is New Business and the lead source is Cold Call from the chosen Workspace and display the top 5 stages in 5 slices of the pie chart on the dashboard. The remaining records are all bundled together to form the 6th slice of the pie, Other. The field names or the alias if provided will be displayed as the legend.

Zoho Reports Top List

For the query, specify a CloudSQL query that includes the Tables and Columns from your chosen Workspace.

For example, adding the following query:

| select stage as Stage, sum(“Expected Revenue”) as “Expected Revenue” from potentials where type=‘New Business’ and “Lead Source” = ‘Cold Call’ GROUP BY stage ORDER BY “Expected Revenue” DESC |

Numerics will fetch the records of Expected Revenue for all stages from the potentials table in a descending order where the type is New Business and the lead source is Cold Call from the chosen Workspace and display the top 5 Stages based on the Expected Revenue in a top list funnel chart. The field names or the alias provided will be displayed as the headers for the two sides of the top list.

Zoho Reports Timer

For the query, specify a CloudSQL query that includes the Tables and Columns from your chosen Workspace.

For example, adding the following query:

| select date_format(“Closing Date”, ‘%Y-%m-%d’) as dateValue, “Potential Name” as name from Potentials where Stage = ‘Closed Won’ AND Amount > 200000 Order By dateValue ASC Limit 1 |

Numerics will fetch the last Closing date of a deal with an amount greater than 200000 from the Potentials table and display a timer counting up from that Closing date. The value of name will be displayed as the event name just below the timer.