Track important numbers
in your space
Spatial Dashboards for Apple Vision Pro.

Uniquely designed for Apple Vision Pro.
Uniquely designed for Apple Vision Pro.
Each element in the Numerics interface is natively designed for visionOS. Glass dashboards adapt to your environment becoming brighter and darker. Controls float above your dashboards and respond to your gaze.
Each element in the Numerics interface is natively designed for visionOS. Glass dashboards adapt to your environment becoming brighter and darker. Controls float above your dashboards and respond to your gaze.

A canvas for your important numbers.
A canvas for your important numbers.
Numerics lets you detach any metric from your main dashboards, creating Mini Tracker windows that you can place anywhere in your space. Exclusively built for Apple Vision Pro, you can float multiple Mini Tracker windows, while you continue to focus on your work.
Numerics lets you detach any metric from your main dashboards, creating Mini Tracker windows that you can place anywhere in your space. Exclusively built for Apple Vision Pro, you can float multiple Mini Tracker windows, while you continue to focus on your work.

Dashboards reflow to fit in your spatial workspace.
Dashboards reflow to fit in your spatial workspace.
Simply pull the dashboard to fill your entire space. Or push it into a compact view to fit your virtual workspace.
Simply pull the dashboard to fill your entire space. Or push it into a compact view to fit your virtual workspace.

Metrics respond to your gaze.
Metrics respond to your gaze.
Look at a visualization and tap to go to into it’s detail view. Gaze at the different points on a graph to see previous values or at a slice of the donut visualization to see it's values.
Look at a visualization and tap to go to into it’s detail view. Gaze at the different points on a graph to see previous values or at a slice of the donut visualization to see it's values.

Track important numbers collaboratively with teams.
Track important numbers collaboratively with teams.
Co-create dashboards with your team in realtime via secure iCloud sharing. Team members can add new metrics, see edits as they happen and get updates about changes to metrics instantly.
Stream dashboards to other users, everyone invited can see the dashboards, but, only the owner can update the data or make changes.
Co-create dashboards with your team in realtime via secure iCloud sharing. Team members can add new metrics, see edits as they happen and get updates about changes to metrics instantly.
Stream dashboards to other users, everyone invited can see the dashboards, but, only the owner can update the data or make changes.
Dashboards everywhere.
Private iCloud sync ensures that your dashboards stay updated at all times across all devices.

Dashboards everywhere.
Private iCloud sync ensures that your dashboards stay updated at all times across all devices.

Dashboards everywhere.
Private iCloud sync ensures that your dashboards stay updated at all times across all devices.

Serverless. Processed entirely on your Apple Vision Pro.
Numerics directly connects to your cloud services or data stores to aggregate, process and present dashboards on your Apple Vision Pro in real time. We do not have any servers in between and do not replicate your data anywhere, except on your device.
All data is stored on your devices and in your iCloud database. All account credentials are encrypted at rest & in motion.