Wear your KPIs
Numerics Dashboard App for the Apple Watch
Stay up to date with your daily revenue, project status or any number that you need to track always.
Customize your watch face with KPI Complications
Track your favorite number right from your watch face by setting it as a complication. Numerics works on all complication sizes - Small, Utilitarian Small, Utilitarian Large, Modular Large and Modular Small and can be used with any watch face that supports complications including the Siri, Kaleidoscope and Toy Story watch faces.
Start on Apple Watch, Continue on your iPhone with Handoff
The Numerics dashboard app for WatchOS is designed for quick micro interactions. To see more information from a widget like previous values on a graph, simply transfer the widget from Apple Watch to iPhone using Handoff.
Start with looking at a number on Apple Watch, then continue on your iPhone with a swipe from the lock screen to zoom into the data. It’s one app that moves with you from your wrist to your palm.