Biggest rank decrease
The biggest decrease in rank using the latest position within your chosen time span.
Keep track of your App Store Optimization efforts with Appfigures' Biggest rank decrease widget on Numerics.
Keep track of your App Store Optimization efforts with Appfigures' biggest rank decrease widget on Numerics. This widget, a Number type visualization, provides you with the largest decrease in rank that has occurred within your chosen time span. With this widget, you can easily monitor the performance of your app and make data-driven decisions quickly and confidently. Gain visibility into your app's rankings and stay ahead of the competition with Appfigures on Numerics.
Benefits of Tracking Biggest rank decrease in Appfigures App Store Analytics dashboards
Tracking app store optimization efforts is crucial for app developers to ensure that their apps are gaining visibility and driving growth. With Appfigures' biggest rank decrease widget on Numerics, developers can stay on top of this KPI and be aware of its real-time value at all times. By visualizing this data in a dashboard, developers can easily identify trends, patterns, and areas that need improvement. This empowers developers to take action and make data-driven decisions that can ultimately lead to increased app downloads and revenue.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the appfigures
App Store Optimization Widget Pack
Track app rank and keyword statistics.
More Appfigures Widget Packs:
Appfigures Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
OAuth 1.0a
Supported plans:
API Rate limit:
1000 Requests a day