Total check-ins - historic
The total number of visitors who have checked-in to your venue within your chosen time span.
Track venue foot traffic with the Foursquare Total Check-ins - historic widget on Numerics. Gain real-time insights into your visitors.
Track the foot traffic at your venue with the Foursquare Total Check-ins - historic widget on Numerics. This Number widget displays the total number of visitors who have checked-in to your venue within your chosen time span. Gain real-time insights into your visitors and make data-driven decisions to stay ahead of the competition. Designed exclusively for iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, Apple WatchOS & Apple tvOS, Numerics dashboards enable you to track KPIs using different widget types, including the Number widget type that displays a large numeric tally.
Benefits of Tracking Total check-ins - historic in Foursquare marketing dashboards
Track foot traffic at your venue with the Total Check-ins - historic widget on Numerics. Keep track of the number of visitors who have checked-in to your venue within your chosen time span, and stay ahead of the competition with the power to make data-driven decisions. Designed exclusively for iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, Apple WatchOS & Apple tvOS, Numerics dashboards enable you to track KPIs using different widget types, including the Number widget type that displays a large numeric tally. Gain real-time insights into your venue's foot traffic with Numerics.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the foursquare
Venue Engagement Widget Pack
More Foursquare Widget Packs:
Foursquare Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
OAuth 2.0
Supported plans:
Foursquare Labs, Inc. Support: