Total listed in lists - all time

The total number of lists that your venue has been listed in.

Track your venue's popularity on Foursquare with Numerics' Total Listed in Lists widget. Stay ahead of the competition with real-time updates.

The Total Listed in Lists widget for Foursquare is a Number widget that displays the total number of lists that your venue has been listed in. With its clean and simple design, this widget provides an easy way to track your venue's popularity and make informed decisions about how to engage your audience and drive more traffic to your business. Keep an eye on your venue's performance with real-time updates available on your Numerics dashboard, and stay ahead of the competition.

Number tally widget visualization type example
Number tally widget visualization type example
Number tally widget visualization type example

The Number widget visualization type in Numerics.

The Number widget visualization type in Numerics.

Benefits of Tracking Total listed in lists - all time in Foursquare marketing dashboards

As a business owner or manager, it's important to stay on top of your venue's popularity. With Numerics' Total Listed in Lists widget for Foursquare, tracking this key performance indicator has never been easier. By keeping an eye on the number of lists your venue has been listed in, you can make informed decisions about how to engage your audience and drive more traffic to your business. With real-time updates available on your Numerics dashboard, you'll always know where you stand and be able to take action quickly to stay ahead of the competition.

Part of the foursquare

Venue Engagement Widget Pack

Foursquare Integration Specifications:

Widget Templates:


Authentication Type:

OAuth 2.0

Supported plans:


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Made for Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch & Apple TV.
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Get started with your custom KPI dashboards for FREE!

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Made for Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch & Apple TV.
Download Numerics on the App Store