Conversions by device category
The conversions broken down by the devices they used in last 30 minutes.
Track real-time conversions by device category with Numerics' Google Analytics 4 widget pack. Make data-driven decisions to optimize your website's user experience.
The Google Analytics 4 Conversions by Device Category widget in Numerics provides real-time insights into how users convert on your website across different devices. The pie chart visualization type allows you to easily identify which device categories are performing well and which ones need improvement. By monitoring this KPI in real-time, you can stay ahead of the competition and make informed decisions that drive growth for your business.
Benefits of Tracking Conversions by device category in Google Analytics 4 marketing dashboards
The Conversions by Device Category widget in Numerics' Google Analytics 4 widget pack provides real-time insights into how users convert on your website across different devices. With this widget, you can easily identify which device categories are performing well and which ones need improvement, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your website's user experience and increase conversions. By monitoring this KPI in real-time, you can stay ahead of the competition and make informed decisions that drive growth for your business.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the google analytics 4
Realtime Widget Pack
More Google Analytics 4 Widget Packs:
Google Analytics 4 Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
OAuth 2.0
Supported plans:
API Rate limit:
10 Requests every 1 second