Top languages by user count
The top languages ordered by user count within your chosen time span.
Track top languages by user count in real-time with Numerics' Top List widget for Google Analytics 4. Stay ahead of customer preferences and optimize marketing efforts.
The Top languages by user count widget is a must-have for businesses looking to understand their customers' preferences. This widget displays the top languages, ordered by user count, giving you real-time insight into your customers' needs and preferences. The list is sorted based on the number of users who use a given language, making it easy to see which languages are most popular among your customers. With this widget, you can optimize your marketing efforts to cater to your customers' needs and stay ahead of the competition.
Benefits of Tracking Top languages by user count in Google Analytics 4 marketing dashboards
As a business owner, understanding your customers' preferences is key to improving customer satisfaction and tailoring your marketing efforts. Numerics' Top List widget lets you track the top languages by user count in real-time, so you can stay on top of your customers' needs and preferences. With this widget, you can easily identify the languages that your customers use the most, and optimize your marketing efforts to cater to those users. Stay ahead of the game and make informed business decisions with Numerics.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the google analytics 4
User Demographics Overview Widget Pack
More Google Analytics 4 Widget Packs:
Google Analytics 4 Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
OAuth 2.0
Supported plans:
API Rate limit:
10 Requests every 1 second