Top app versions by percentage new sessions
The top 5 app versions based on the number of new sessions percentage on your app within your chosen time span.
Numerics' Google Universal Analytics Top App Versions widget tracks top app versions by percentage of new sessions, improving app experience and engagement.
The Numerics Google Universal Analytics Top App Versions widget is an essential tool for staying ahead of the competition. With its Top List visualization type, you can easily track the top 5 app versions based on the percentage of new sessions within your chosen time span. This widget provides real-time insights into your app's performance, allowing you to identify trends and optimize your app's user experience to improve retention and engagement. With Numerics, you have the power to create a dashboard tailored to your specific business needs, so you can track the metrics that matter most to you and make data-driven decisions.
Tracking top app versions by percentage of new sessions with the Numerics Google Universal Analytics Top App Versions widget helps you stay ahead of the competition by providing real-time insights into your app's performance. By keeping an eye on your app's top versions, you can identify trends and optimize your app's user experience to improve retention and engagement. With Numerics, you have the power to create a dashboard that's tailored to your specific business needs, so you can track the metrics that matter most to you and make data-driven decisions.
Part of the google universal analytics