Top cities by unique users
The top 5 cities based on the number of unique users on your app within your chosen time span.
Track and monitor your app's performance with Numerics' Top cities by unique users widget for Google Universal Analytics.
The Top cities by unique users widget for Numerics is a powerful tool that helps you track and monitor your app's performance. With real-time data, this widget displays the top 5 cities based on the number of unique users on your app within your chosen time span. The widget's Top List visualization type makes it easy to quickly compare and contrast the number of unique users across different cities, helping you make informed decisions on how to engage with your users and target your marketing efforts more effectively.
The Top cities by unique users widget for Numerics is an indispensable tool to track and monitor your app's performance. With real-time data, this widget displays the top 5 cities based on the number of unique users on your app within your chosen time span. By keeping track of this KPI, you can make informed decisions on how to engage with your users and target your marketing efforts more effectively. With secure and scalable native dashboards, Numerics provides users with the ability to have a real-time pulse on their business with confidence.
Part of the google universal analytics