Top languages by screen views
The top 5 languages based on the number of screen views on your app within your chosen time span.
Gain real-time insights on your app's performance with Numerics' Top Languages by Screen Views widget, powered by Google Universal Analytics.
Track the top languages your users are using in real-time with Numerics' Top Languages by Screen Views widget, powered by Google Universal Analytics. This widget provides a list of the top 5 languages used in your app, along with a horizontal bar chart for each language, sorted by the number of screen views. With this widget, you can gain insights into your users' language preferences and optimize your app's user experience.
Gain insights on your app's usage by tracking the top languages used by your users in real-time. Numerics' Top Languages by Screen Views widget, powered by Google Universal Analytics, helps you stay on top of your app's performance and make informed decisions to optimize user experience. With Numerics, you can design your own customized dashboards for iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, Apple WatchOS & Apple tvOS, and track all your KPIs seamlessly, all in one place.
Part of the google universal analytics