Top languages by unique users

The top 5 languages based on the number of unique users on your app within your chosen time span.

Monitor the top 5 languages used by unique users on your app with Numerics' Top Languages by Unique Users widget for Google Universal Analytics.

Keep track of the top 5 languages used by unique users on your app with Numerics' Top Languages by Unique Users widget for Google Universal Analytics. This Top List widget lets you monitor this KPI in real-time, providing insights to make informed decisions and pivot your strategy accordingly. With the ability to optimize your app for a global audience or focus on expanding your user base in a specific location, this widget helps you stay ahead of the competition.

Top List widget visualization type example
Top List widget visualization type example
Top List widget visualization type example

The Top List widget visualization type in Numerics.

The Top List widget visualization type in Numerics.

As a business owner, you need to keep track of the top 5 languages used by unique users on your app. Knowing this KPI in real-time helps you make informed decisions and pivot your strategy accordingly. With Numerics' Top Languages by Unique Users widget for Google Universal Analytics, you can monitor this data at all times and stay ahead of the competition. Whether you're focused on expanding your user base in a specific location or optimizing your app for a global audience, this widget gives you the insights you need to succeed.

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Made for Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch & Apple TV.
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