Top mobile input selectors by screen views
The top 5 mobile input selectors based on the number of screen views on your app within your chosen time span.
Get real-time insights into your app's performance with Numerics' Google Universal Analytics Top List widget. Stay ahead of the competition with data-driven decisions.
The Google Universal Analytics Top List widget for Numerics allows you to track the top 5 mobile input selectors based on the number of screen views on your app. With an interactive horizontal bar chart, you can easily compare the relative popularity of different input selectors and make data-driven decisions to optimize your user experience. Stay ahead of the competition and keep your finger on the pulse of your app's performance with Numerics.
Get ahead of the competition by tracking the top mobile input selectors by screen views with Numerics' Google Universal Analytics Top List widget. This widget provides real-time insights that enable you to keep track of your app's performance within your chosen time span. With easy-to-use visualizations, you can quickly spot trends and make data-driven decisions that will help you achieve your KPIs. Stay on top of your game with Numerics' user-friendly dashboards, designed to give you the insights you need to succeed.
Part of the google universal analytics