Device category by visitors

The visitors broken down by the device they used to access your web property.

Track device categories of website visitors in real-time with Numerics' Device Category by Visitors widget for Google Universal Analytics.

The Device Category by Visitors widget in Numerics' Google Universal Analytics widget pack is a Pie Chart visualization that allows businesses to track the device categories of their website visitors. With this widget, businesses can stay up-to-date with the latest user trends and make informed decisions about their web strategy. The intuitive and interactive pie chart makes it easy to visualize the device categories of visitors, enabling businesses to optimize their online presence for maximum impact.

Pie Chart widget visualization type example
Pie Chart widget visualization type example
Pie Chart widget visualization type example

The Pie Chart widget visualization type in Numerics.

The Pie Chart widget visualization type in Numerics.

The Device Category by Visitors widget in Numerics' Google Universal Analytics widget pack is an essential tool for businesses looking to make agile decisions based on real-time web activity. With this pie chart visualization, businesses can track the device categories of their visitors and stay up-to-date with the latest user trends. By keeping a close eye on this KPI, businesses can make informed decisions about their web strategy and optimize their online presence for maximum impact. With Numerics' native and secure dashboards, businesses can access this information anytime, anywhere, making it easier than ever to stay on top of their web performance.

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