Top cities by sessions

The top 5 cities based on the number of sessions on your web property within your chosen time span.

Track your website's top performing cities with Numerics' Top Cities by Sessions widget for Google Analytics.

Numerics' Top Cities by Sessions widget for Google Universal Analytics lets you track the top cities based on the number of sessions on your web property. This widget visualizes the top 5 cities in a simple and easy-to-understand Top List format, sorted by the number of sessions, allowing you to quickly identify your website's performance hotspots and potential areas for improvement.

Top List widget visualization type example
Top List widget visualization type example
Top List widget visualization type example

The Top List widget visualization type in Numerics.

The Top List widget visualization type in Numerics.

With Numerics' Top Cities by Sessions widget for Google Universal Analytics, you can keep a close eye on one of the most important KPIs for your website. By tracking the top cities based on the number of sessions, you can gain valuable insights into where your website is performing well and where it may need improvement. With this widget, you can stay aware of changes in real-time and react accordingly, ensuring your website is always meeting your business goals.

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