Top languages by percentage new sessions
The top 5 visitor locales based on the percentage of new sessions on your web property within your chosen time span.
Track visitor locales by new sessions percentage with Numerics' Top Languages widget for Google Analytics. Stay informed and make data-driven decisions.
Track the top 5 visitor locales based on the percentage of new sessions on your web property within your chosen time span with Numerics' Top Languages widget for Google Universal Analytics. Visualize your web traffic by location and stay on top of your visitors' origins in real-time to make informed decisions. The widget is designed as a top list with a horizontal bar chart, making it easy to track your KPIs at-a-glance.
Do you want to make data-driven decisions? Numerics' Top Languages widget allows you to track KPIs and visualize your web traffic by location. Stay on top of your visitors' origins and new session percentages in real-time to make informed decisions. With Numerics' native dashboards, you can watch your data come to life and easily share your insights with your team. Start tracking your web traffic with Numerics today and take your business to the next level.
Part of the google universal analytics