Top languages by sessions
The top 5 visitor locales based on the number of sessions on your web property within your chosen time span.
Track your website's top visitor locales with Numerics' Top Languages by Sessions Widget for Google Universal Analytics.
Visualize your website's top visitor locales with Numerics' Top Languages by Sessions Widget for Google Universal Analytics. Get real-time insights into your website's performance with a list of the top 5 languages by session count, sorted by the number of sessions on your web property within your chosen time span. The widget's horizontal bar chart makes it easy to compare the number of sessions between different languages. Stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions with Numerics.
Make informed decisions with Numerics' Top Languages by Sessions Widget for Google Universal Analytics. Get real-time insights into your website's top visitor locales and track your web analytics like a pro. With Numerics, you can easily design live dashboards with visualizations powered by data from a multitude of integrated SaaS tools and data sources. Numerics' widgets, including the Top Languages by Sessions Widget, let you track KPIs and stay ahead of the curve.
Part of the google universal analytics