Top operating systems by bounce rate
The top 5 operating systems based on the bounce rate for your web property within your chosen time span.
Track bounce rates of your website's top 5 operating systems. Take corrective action and stay engaged with Numerics.
The Top Operating Systems by Bounce Rate widget provides a clear and concise view of the top 5 operating systems that are causing the most bounces on your website. With a simple and intuitive Top List visualization, you can easily identify areas that need improvement and take corrective action to keep your visitors engaged. Stay on top of your web usage KPIs with Numerics and make informed business decisions today.
Benefits of Tracking Top operating systems by bounce rate in Google Universal Analytics marketing dashboards
As a business owner or analyst, it's essential to keep track of the performance of your web property and its visitors. With Numerics' Top operating systems by bounce rate widget, you can easily monitor the top 5 operating systems that are causing the most bounces on your website. By having this information at your fingertips, you can quickly identify areas that need improvement and take corrective action to keep your visitors engaged. With Numerics, you can stay on top of your KPIs with ease and make informed business decisions today.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the google universal analytics
Web Usage Widget Pack
More Google Universal Analytics Widget Packs:
Google Universal Analytics Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
OAuth 2.0
Supported plans:
API Rate limit:
10 Requests every 1 second