Top sources by unique visitors
The top 5 traffic sources based on the unique visitors on your web property within your chosen time span.
Track your website's top sources by unique visitors with Numerics' Top Sources by Unique Visitors widget for Google Universal Analytics.
Track your website's top sources by unique visitors in real-time with the Top Sources by Unique Visitors widget for Google Universal Analytics on Numerics. This top list widget displays the top 5 traffic sources based on the unique visitors on your web property within your chosen time span, providing you with valuable insights to make informed decisions about your website. Stay ahead of the competition with Numerics' powerful and easy-to-use dashboard app for iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, Apple WatchOS & Apple tvOS.
Are you looking for a way to stay ahead of the competition? With Numerics' Top Sources by Unique Visitors widget for Google Universal Analytics, you can track your web traffic sources in real-time. This widget gives you a powerful tool to make informed decisions about your website, so you can stay ahead of the game. With Numerics, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are always aware of the status of your web traffic sources, so you can take action when needed.
Part of the google universal analytics