Top sources by contacts per page view

The top sources by contacts per page view for your chosen analytics view within your chosen time span.

Track website's top sources by contacts per page view with Numerics' Top Sources by Contacts per Page View widget for HubSpot Marketing Hub.

Track your website's top sources by contacts per page view with Numerics' Top Sources by Contacts per Page View widget for HubSpot Marketing Hub. This widget is a list of sources and their respective contact-to-page view ratios, sorted by the ratio. With this widget, you can quickly identify which sources are bringing in the most contacts per page view and optimize your marketing efforts accordingly.

Top List widget visualization type example
Top List widget visualization type example
Top List widget visualization type example

The Top List widget visualization type in Numerics.

The Top List widget visualization type in Numerics.

Benefits of Tracking Top sources by contacts per page view in HubSpot Marketing Hub marketing dashboards

Track your website's top sources by contacts per page view with Numerics' Top Sources by Contacts per Page View widget for HubSpot Marketing Hub. Being aware of the real-time value of this KPI can help you make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing efforts and stay ahead of the competition. With Numerics' secure and scalable dashboard app, you can track all your KPIs in one place and make informed decisions to grow your business.

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Made for Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch & Apple TV.
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