Top deals
The top user deals filtered out by user, pipeline, company and deal status options.
Monitor your OnePageCRM top deals in real-time with Numerics' Top Deals widget and stay ahead of the competition.
The Top Deals widget is a key performance indicator (KPI) visualization tool for OnePageCRM users. With an intuitive interface and real-time updates, you can easily track your top deals filtered by user, pipeline, company, and deal status options. The horizontal bar chart and list display provide a comprehensive view of your top deals, giving you the insights you need to make informed decisions and take action to close deals faster.
Benefits of Tracking Top deals in OnePageCRM sales dashboards
As a business owner, keeping track of your top deals is crucial for making informed decisions and driving growth. With Numerics' Top Deals widget, you can easily monitor your top deals in real-time and gain a comprehensive understanding of your sales pipeline. By having access to this data at all times, you can quickly identify opportunities and take action to close deals faster. With Numerics, you can stay ahead of the competition and achieve your business goals with ease.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the onepagecrm
Deals Widget Pack
More OnePageCRM Widget Packs:
OnePageCRM Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
HTTP Basic Auth
Supported plans: