Top messages by clicks

The top 5 messages ordered by link clicks for your chosen time span.

Track your Ontraport messages' performance with Numerics' Top Messages by Clicks widget. Stay ahead of the competition.

Numerics' Top messages by clicks widget is the perfect tool to track your most popular Ontraport messages in real-time. This widget showcases a top list of your top 5 messages ordered by link clicks for a chosen time span. The horizontal bar chart visualization makes it easy to see the differences in performance between your messages. With Numerics' Top messages by clicks widget, you can get a quick and easy-to-understand snapshot of your most important Ontraport KPI.

Top List widget visualization type example
Top List widget visualization type example
Top List widget visualization type example

The Top List widget visualization type in Numerics.

The Top List widget visualization type in Numerics.

Benefits of Tracking Top messages by clicks in Ontraport sales and marketing dashboards

As a business owner, you know that it's crucial to keep track of your Ontraport messages and to stay on top of your business's performance. With Numerics' Top Messages by Clicks widget, you can easily track your top 5 messages ordered by link clicks for your chosen time span. This gives you a real-time view of your most important Ontraport KPI, so you always know where you stand. With a Numerics dashboard, you'll be able to make data-driven decisions with confidence and stay ahead of the competition.

Ontraport Integration Specifications:

Widget Templates:


Authentication Type:

Token based auth

Supported plans:


API Rate limit:

180 Requests every mminute

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Made for Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch & Apple TV.
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