Track popularity of deals with Numerics' Pipedrive Top overall deals by followers widget. Make data-driven decisions to optimize sales.
Track the popularity of your overall deals in real-time with Numerics' Top List widget. This widget displays a sorted list of your deals based on the number of followers for each deal, along with a horizontal bar chart for easy comparison. With this widget, you can quickly identify which deals are generating the most interest and make data-driven decisions to optimize your sales strategy.
Benefits of Tracking Top overall deals by followers in Pipedrive sales and marketing dashboards
As a business owner, tracking your key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential to staying on top of your business's progress. The Numerics Top List widget lets you easily monitor the number of followers for your overall deals in real-time, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and quickly identify areas for improvement. With Numerics, you can design a customized dashboard that displays all of your important metrics in one place, giving you a clear and comprehensive view of your business's performance.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the pipedrive
Deals Widget Pack
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Pipedrive Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
Token based auth
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