Track your Pipedrive goals with Numerics' Progressed Deals Ratio gauge widget. Monitor progressed deals compared to targets in real-time.
The Progressed Deals Ratio gauge widget from Numerics is the perfect tool for tracking your Pipedrive goals. This widget features a linear gauge visualization coupled with displays for current and target values, allowing you to easily monitor the number of progressed deals compared to your specified goal in real-time. With Numerics' secure and scalable design, you can trust that your data is always safe and up-to-date, ensuring that you're always on track to meet your goals.
Benefits of Tracking Progressed deals ratio in Pipedrive sales and marketing dashboards
Tracking your Pipedrive goals has never been easier with Numerics' Progressed Deals Ratio gauge widget. With this widget, you can see the number of progressed deals compared to the specified goal in real-time. This allows you to make informed decisions and take action when needed, ensuring that you're always on track to meet your goals. With Numerics, you can easily design live dashboards using visualizations powered by data from a multitude of integrated SaaS tools and data sources. Plus, with direct, secure connections from your devices to the data sources, you can trust that your data is always secure and up-to-date.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the pipedrive
Goals Widget Pack
More Pipedrive Widget Packs:
Pipedrive Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
Token based auth
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