Track website pageviews in real-time with Numerics' Plausible Pages widget. Stay ahead of the competition with the interactive Pie Chart.
Introducing the Pageviews by Pages Pie Chart widget from Numerics. Designed exclusively for iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, Apple WatchOS, and Apple tvOS, this interactive widget lets you track your website's pageviews in real-time, broken down by pages. With a quick glance, you'll be able to analyze your website's traffic patterns and make informed decisions. Stay ahead of your competitors and take control of your website's performance with Numerics' Pageviews by Pages widget.
Benefits of Tracking Pageviews by pages in Plausible marketing dashboards
Are you tired of constantly checking your website's pageviews? With Numerics' Pageviews by Pages widget, you can track your website's pageviews in real-time, all in one place. No more tedious manual tracking or deciphering complex data. With this interactive Pie Chart widget, you'll be able to quickly and easily analyze your website's pageviews broken down by pages. Stay ahead of the competition and make informed decisions with Numerics.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the plausible
Pages Widget Pack
More Plausible Widget Packs:
Plausible Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
Token based auth
Supported plans:
API Rate limit:
600 Requests per hour
Plausible Analytics Support: