Visit durations by pages

The visit durations broken down by pages within your chosen time span.

Track website engagement with Numerics' Plausible Pages Visit Durations by Pages widget. Gain insights to optimize your user experience.

Gain valuable insights into your website's page visit durations with Numerics' Visit Durations by Pages widget. Using an interactive pie chart, track the visit duration broken down by pages within your chosen time span. Identify pages that may require optimization and improve overall engagement on your website with data-driven decisions. With real-time updates and Numerics' easy-to-use interface, stay on top of your website's performance effortlessly.

Pie Chart widget visualization type example
Pie Chart widget visualization type example
Pie Chart widget visualization type example

The Pie Chart widget visualization type in Numerics.

The Pie Chart widget visualization type in Numerics.

Benefits of Tracking Visit durations by pages in Plausible marketing dashboards

Track visit durations by pages on your website and gain valuable insights by using Numerics' Visit Durations by Pages widget. With real-time updates, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your website's user experience. Having access to this information at all times can help you identify pages that may need optimization and improve overall engagement on your website. With Numerics' easy-to-use interface, you can track this KPI and others with ease to stay on top of your website's performance.

Plausible Integration Specifications:

Widget Templates:


Authentication Type:

Token based auth

Supported plans:


API Rate limit:

600 Requests per hour

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