Converted recurring revenue
The MRR from customers who converted from trialing to active within your chosen time span.
Track your business' converted recurring revenue with ease. Get real-time updates and make informed decisions with Numerics' Converted Recurring Revenue widget.
The Converted Recurring Revenue widget from Numerics provides a real-time, easy-to-read, and visually-appealing number display of your business' converted recurring revenue. This widget allows you to track how much revenue is generated from customers who convert from trialing to active within your chosen time span. With its sleek and modern design, you can stay up-to-date with your KPIs and make informed business decisions.
Benefits of Tracking Converted recurring revenue in ProfitWell Subscription Analytics dashboards
As a business owner, it's crucial to stay on top of your company's financial health. The Converted Recurring Revenue widget from Numerics provides real-time updates of your most important metrics, allowing you to monitor your business' converted recurring revenue with ease. With this widget, you can easily track how much revenue is generated from customers who convert from trialing to active within your chosen time span. This information is essential for making informed business decisions and staying ahead of the competition. Don't wait until it's too late; start tracking your KPIs with the Converted Recurring Revenue widget today.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the profitwell
Mrr Widget Pack
ProfitWell Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
HTTP Basic Auth
Supported plans:
API Rate limit:
3000 Requests every 24 hours
ProfitWell & Paddle Support: