Total visitors by browsers
The total visitors broken down by browsers for your chosen time span.
Track total visitors by browser with Numerics' Simple Analytics widget. Optimize your website for your audience with real-time insights.
Get an insightful look into your audience with Numerics' Total Visitors by Browsers pie chart widget. This widget lets you track your website's total visitors broken down by browser, making it easy to identify trends and make informed decisions to optimize your website. With a customizable time span and an easy-to-understand visualization, you can stay ahead of the curve and make any necessary changes to improve your visitors' experience.
Benefits of Tracking Total visitors by browsers in Simple Analytics marketing dashboards
This widget helps you track your total visitors by browser, giving you an insightful look into your audience. With the ability to customize the time span, this widget can help you identify trends and make informed decisions to optimize your website for your visitors. By having this data at your fingertips in real-time, you can stay ahead of the curve and make any necessary changes to your website to improve your visitors' experience. With Numerics' Total Visitors by Browsers pie chart widget, you'll have an easy-to-understand visualization of your website's traffic, right at your fingertips.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the simple analytics
Browsers Widget Pack
Simple Analytics Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
Token based auth
Supported plans: