Homeshcool students
The total number of Homeschool students, along with the difference in percentage from its previous year.
Get real-time updates on the number of homeschool students in Canada with the Homeschool Students widget on Numerics.
The Homeschool Students widget on Numerics provides a real-time overview of the total number of homeschool students in Canada. Displayed as a large numeric tally, the widget also includes a percentage change indicator to help users quickly understand trends and make data-driven decisions. With direct and secure connections to data sources, Numerics dashboards are scalable and secure by design.
Benefits of Tracking Homeshcool students in Statistics Canada Analytics dashboards
The Homeschool Students widget on Numerics provides a real-time overview of the total number of homeschool students in Canada. This KPI is an important metric for educational institutions and policymakers to track, especially in these uncertain times. With the Homeschool Students widget, users can stay informed and ahead of the curve, making data-driven decisions with ease. The widget's number display, along with its percentage change indicator, makes it easy to quickly understand trends and take action. With Numerics, users can create customized dashboards that are tailored to their unique needs and preferences, ensuring they always have the information they need at their fingertips.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the statistics canada
Education Widget Pack
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Statistics Canada Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
No auth
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