Top states by travel time
The top states based on the number of people for your chosen travel time to work.
Track the number of people commuting to work by travel time with Numerics' Top List widget for United States Census Bureau.
Track the number of people commuting to work by travel time with Numerics' Top List widget for United States Census Bureau. The widget displays the top states based on the number of people commuting to work for a chosen travel time, making it easy for businesses to identify top-performing states and make data-driven decisions for their transportation strategies.
Benefits of Tracking Top states by travel time in United States Census Bureau Analytics dashboards
With Numerics' Top List widget, tracking the number of people commuting to work by travel time has never been easier. By monitoring this KPI in real-time, businesses can easily identify top-performing states and make data-driven decisions for their transportation strategies. With Numerics' secure and scalable dashboard app, users can stay on top of their data from a multitude of integrated data sources, making it easier to monitor critical KPIs and stay ahead of the competition.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the united states census bureau
Transportation Widget Pack
More United States Census Bureau Widget Packs:
United States Census Bureau Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
No auth
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