Orders by category
The number of orders for your chosen category and time span along with the difference in percentage from its previous period.
Track orders for a selected category and time span with Numerics' Woocommerce Orders by Category widget. Optimize your business today.
The Woocommerce Orders by Category widget is a Number widget that displays the number of orders placed within a selected category and time span, along with the percentage difference from the previous period. With its clear and concise visual display, users can easily monitor their business's progress and make informed decisions to optimize their sales. Try the Woocommerce Orders by Category widget today and take control of your business's success.
Benefits of Tracking Orders by category in Woocommerce E-Commerce dashboards
Do you want to make sure you are constantly on top of your business? With Numerics, you can keep track of the exact number of orders for your chosen category and time span. This means you can easily monitor your progress and make changes in real-time to boost your business's success. With Numerics' intuitive interface and user-definable widgets, you can be sure that you are always aware of your business's performance. Numerics also makes direct, secure connections from your devices to your data sources, giving you peace of mind that your data is always safe. Don't miss out on the opportunity to optimize your business - try Numerics today!
Full Integration Details:
Part of the woocommerce
Categories Widget Pack
Woocommerce Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
Basic Auth
Supported plans: