Density of discounted amount on day of month
The density of discounted amount every day of a month within your chosen time span.
Track the density of discounted amounts on every day of the month with Numerics' Woocommerce Density widget.
With Numerics' Density of Discounted Amount on Day of Month widget, track the density of discounted amounts every day of the month and stay on top of your KPIs. The widget displays an interactive month density chart with micro-gauges for each day, indicating relative variation in discounted amounts within your chosen time span.
Benefits of Tracking Density of discounted amount on day of month in Woocommerce E-Commerce dashboards
As a business owner, you know that tracking your KPIs is crucial to staying ahead of the competition. With Numerics' Density of Discounted Amount on Day of Month widget, you can now get a real-time view of your KPIs and stay in control of your business. This widget lets you see the density of discounted amounts every day of a month, with the option to choose your own time span. With Numerics, you can design live dashboards using visualizations powered by data from a multitude of integrated SaaS tools and data sources, making it secure and scalable.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the woocommerce
Coupons Widget Pack
Woocommerce Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
Basic Auth
Supported plans: