Discounted orders by coupon
The total discounted orders for your chosen coupon and time span along with the difference in percentage from its previous period.
Numerics' Discounted Orders by Coupon widget for Woocommerce lets you track total discounted orders for your chosen coupon and time span.
Track the total discounted orders for your chosen coupon and time span with Numerics' Discounted Orders by Coupon widget. This widget, designed as a Number visualization, displays the total discounted orders and percentage difference from the previous period, empowering business owners to optimize their sales strategy. With real-time data available on your Numerics dashboard, you can stay on top of your business's KPIs and make informed decisions.
Benefits of Tracking Discounted orders by coupon in Woocommerce E-Commerce dashboards
As a business owner, keeping track of your total discounted orders is crucial to optimize your sales strategy. With Numerics' Discounted Orders by Coupon widget, you can easily track the total discounted orders for your chosen coupon and time span, along with the percentage difference from its previous period. By having this real-time data available on your dashboard, you can make informed decisions to improve your business's bottom line. With Numerics, you can stay on top of your KPIs and make smarter decisions in real-time.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the woocommerce
Coupons Widget Pack
Woocommerce Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
Basic Auth
Supported plans: