Density of average items on day of month
The density of average items every day of a month for your chosen status and time span.
Track density of average items every day of a month for your chosen status and time span with Numerics' Month Density widget.
Track the density of average items sold each day with Numerics' Month Density widget. This widget provides an interactive 24-point spider chart that shows the relative value for each hour of the day. Monitor your KPIs and stay on top of your business performance with real-time insights into your woocommerce orders. Optimize your processes and increase productivity with Numerics' Hour Density widget.
Benefits of Tracking Density of average items on day of month in Woocommerce E-Commerce dashboards
As a Woocommerce business owner, you're always looking for ways to optimize your processes and increase productivity. With Numerics' Hour Density widget, you can monitor the density of average items every day of a month for your chosen status and time span, making it easy to track your KPIs and stay on top of your business performance. Whether you're looking to improve your sales, manage your inventory, or streamline your operations, Numerics' Hour Density widget can help you achieve your goals by providing you with real-time insights into your business metrics. With Numerics, you can take control of your business and drive growth like never before.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the woocommerce
Orders Widget Pack
Woocommerce Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
Basic Auth
Supported plans: