Product ratings

The total number of ratings received for your chosen product.

Track product ratings in real-time with the Product Ratings widget in Numerics - optimize your strategy and stay ahead.

The Product Ratings widget in Numerics is a Number widget that displays the total number of ratings a product has received. With this widget, you can track your product's performance in real-time and gain insight into customer satisfaction levels, enabling you to optimize your product strategy and stay ahead of the competition.

Number tally widget visualization type example
Number tally widget visualization type example
Number tally widget visualization type example

The Number widget visualization type in Numerics.

The Number widget visualization type in Numerics.

Benefits of Tracking Product ratings in Woocommerce E-Commerce dashboards

The Product Ratings widget in Numerics provides an excellent means of tracking your product's performance in real-time. By monitoring popularity and customer satisfaction levels, you can make better-informed decisions to optimize your product strategy. With Numerics, you can design a live dashboard that displays this vital information at all times, giving you the ability to react quickly and stay ahead of the competition. Choose the Number widget type to get a clear and concise view of the total number of ratings received for your product and ensure you are always aware of its real-time value.

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Made for Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch & Apple TV.
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Get started with your custom KPI dashboards for FREE!

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Made for Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch & Apple TV.
Download Numerics on the App Store