Shares distribution by country
The number of times users have shared all videos of your channel broken down by their countries within your chosen time span.
Track shares of your YouTube videos by country in real-time with Numerics' Channel Engagements widget. Optimize your engagement and content strategy.
Get real-time insights on how your YouTube channel videos are being shared across the world with Numerics' Channel Engagements widget. The interactive Pie Chart breaks down the number of shares for each video by country, making it easier for you to understand which countries are engaging with your content and optimize your content strategy accordingly.
Benefits of Tracking Shares distribution by country in Youtube marketing dashboards
With Numerics' Channel Engagements widget, track the number of times users have shared all videos of your channel broken down by their countries in real-time. This helps you understand which countries are engaging with your content and optimize your content strategy and engagement accordingly. Keep an eye on this KPI at all times with Numerics' native dashboards, designed to securely connect to your data sources and run on your iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, Apple WatchOS, and Apple tvOS devices.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the youtube
Channel Engagements Widget Pack
More Youtube Widget Packs:
Youtube Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
OAuth 2.0
Supported plans:
API Rate limit:
10,000 Requests daily