Top countries by favorites removed
The top 5 countries based on the number of favorites removed for all videos of your channel within your chosen time span.
Track the top countries by favorites removed for your YouTube channel in real-time with Numerics' Top countries by favorites removed widget.
The Top countries by favorites removed widget in Numerics provides a real-time snapshot of the top five countries based on the number of favorites removed for all videos of your YouTube channel. This Top List widget is an essential tool for YouTube content creators looking to optimize their channel's performance. Keep an eye on your channel's engagement and identify trends with ease, all through Numerics' user-friendly dashboard.
Benefits of Tracking Top countries by favorites removed in Youtube marketing dashboards
Keep an eye on your YouTube channel's engagement with Numerics' Top List widget. With the ability to track the top countries by favorites removed in real-time, you'll be able to identify trends and take action to optimize your channel's performance. With the power of Numerics' user-friendly dashboard, you can make informed business decisions that have a direct impact on your success.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the youtube
Channel Engagements Widget Pack
More Youtube Widget Packs:
Youtube Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
OAuth 2.0
Supported plans:
API Rate limit:
10,000 Requests daily