Top countries by estimated minutes watched
The top 5 countries based on the number of estimated minutes watched on your channel within your chosen time span.
Optimize your YouTube content strategy with Numerics' Top Countries widget. Monitor the top countries by minutes watched in real-time.
The Top Countries widget in Numerics showcases the top 5 countries based on the number of estimated minutes watched on a user's YouTube channel within their chosen time span. The widget, which is of the Top List visualization type, provides businesses with real-time access to data critical to optimizing their YouTube content strategy and increasing viewer engagement. With Numerics, businesses can tailor content to better suit their audience's preferences and maximize overall viewership.
Benefits of Tracking Top countries by estimated minutes watched in Youtube marketing dashboards
For businesses using YouTube as a marketing platform, tracking audience preferences is crucial to optimizing content strategy and maximizing viewer engagement. With Numerics’ Top Countries widget, businesses can easily monitor the top countries based on the number of estimated minutes watched on their channel within their chosen time span. By having real-time access to this data through a customizable dashboard, businesses can tailor their content to better suit their audience's preferences and increase overall viewership.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the youtube
Channel Views Widget Pack
More Youtube Widget Packs:
Youtube Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
OAuth 2.0
Supported plans:
API Rate limit:
10,000 Requests daily