Top customer review categories for an agent

The top customer review categories for your chosen agent and time span.

Get real-time insights into your customer reviews with Numerics' Top Customer Review Categories widget for HelpDesk.

The Top Customer Review Categories widget for Numerics' HelpDesk service provides a quick and easy way to track the performance of your agents. Using a Top List visualization, it shows the categories customers are talking about most frequently, allowing you to identify areas where your agents are excelling and where they may need additional training. Keep a pulse on your customer satisfaction metrics and make data-driven decisions to improve your business with Numerics.

Top List widget visualization type example
Top List widget visualization type example
Top List widget visualization type example

The Top List widget visualization type in Numerics.

The Top List widget visualization type in Numerics.

Benefits of Tracking Top customer review categories for an agent in HelpDesk customer support dashboards

Get real-time insights into your customer reviews with Numerics' Top Customer Review Categories widget. Track the performance of your agents and their strengths and weaknesses in handling customer reviews. The widget provides a quick overview of the categories customers are talking about, so you can take immediate action to address any issues. With Numerics' real-time tracking, you can keep a pulse on your customer satisfaction metrics and make data-driven decisions to improve your business.

Part of the helpdesk

Agent Widget Pack

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Token based auth

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