Total accepted calls

The total number of calls accepted by agents.

Track the number of calls accepted by your agents with the Total Accepted Calls widget in Numerics for Zendesk Talk.

Keep track of your Zendesk Talk agents' performance with the Total Accepted Calls widget in Numerics. This widget provides an at-a-glance view of the total number of calls accepted by your agents. With a clear and concise number display, you can quickly identify trends in call volume and adjust staffing as needed. The Total Accepted Calls widget is a powerful tool for optimizing your customer support team's performance and improving customer satisfaction.

Number tally widget visualization type example
Number tally widget visualization type example
Number tally widget visualization type example

The Number widget visualization type in Numerics.

The Number widget visualization type in Numerics.

Benefits of Tracking Total accepted calls in Zendesk Talk customer support dashboards

Keep track of your customer support team's performance with the Total Accepted Calls widget in Numerics for Zendesk Talk. With this widget, you can easily monitor the number of calls accepted by your agents, allowing you to quickly identify trends and take action to improve customer satisfaction. By having this real-time data at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions and optimize your team's performance. Try Numerics today and start tracking your KPIs with ease.

Zendesk Talk Integration Specifications:

Widget Templates:


Authentication Type:

Basic Auth

Supported plans:


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Made for Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch & Apple TV.
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