Chats per day
The average number chats per day, including both missed and completed chats within your chosen time span.
Track the average number of chats per day with Numerics' Chats per day widget for Help Scout. Make informed decisions to improve customer satisfaction.
The Chats per day widget is a Number widget that displays the average number of chats per day, including both missed and completed chats on your chosen time span. This widget provides a clear snapshot of your daily customer service performance, allowing you to make informed decisions to improve customer satisfaction. With Numerics, you can easily and securely track your KPIs using visually appealing widgets designed to run natively on iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, Apple WatchOS & Apple tvOS.
Benefits of Tracking Chats per day in Help Scout customer support dashboards
As a business owner, understanding how your customer service team is performing is crucial to keeping your customers satisfied. With Numerics' Chats per day widget, you can easily track the average number of chats per day, including both missed and completed chats. By having this KPI displayed in real-time on a customizable dashboard, you can quickly identify trends and make informed decisions to improve customer satisfaction. Stay ahead of the competition by using Numerics to keep your finger on the pulse of your customer service performance.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the help scout
Chat KPIs Widget Pack
Track chat performance KPIs and metrics in a Help Scout dashboard.
More Help Scout Widget Packs:
Help Scout Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
Supported plans:
API Rate limit:
10 Requests every 5 seconds