Conversations per day
The average number of new or updated support conversations per day for a Help Scout specific mailbox within your chosen time span.
Monitor your Help Scout mailbox conversations with Numerics' Conversations per day widget and make informed decisions.
The Conversations per day widget for Help Scout mailbox in Numerics is a Number widget that displays the average number of new or updated support conversations per day for a specific mailbox. With this widget, you can easily and quickly track the volume of conversations happening in your Help Scout mailbox and gain insights into the trends and patterns of customer support queries. This widget is perfect for teams that want to stay informed and ensure they are meeting customer demand and providing top-notch support services.
Benefits of Tracking Conversations per day in Help Scout customer support dashboards
Monitoring your Help Scout mailbox conversations with Numerics' Conversations per day widget allows you to stay informed and spot trends. With this widget, you can track the average number of new or updated support conversations per day for a Help Scout specific mailbox within your chosen time span. By having access to real-time data, you can make informed decisions and take action as needed to ensure that your team is keeping up with customer demand and providing the best possible support.
Full Integration Details:
Part of the help scout
Conversation By Mailbox Widget Pack
Connect to your Help Scout data to build dashboards that track KPIs and metrics for a mailbox in real time.
More Help Scout Widget Packs:
Help Scout Integration Specifications:
Widget Templates:
Authentication Type:
Supported plans:
API Rate limit:
10 Requests every 5 seconds