Collaborated tickets by agent

The total number of collaborated tickets for your chosen agent.

Get real-time insights into your Zendesk agent's performance with the Collaborated Tickets widget by Numerics. Track KPIs and optimize workflows.

Numerics' Collaborated Tickets widget is a Number widget that displays the total number of collaborated tickets for your chosen Zendesk agent. With this widget, you can easily monitor your agent's performance and track progress towards your goals. The widget's large and clear display makes it easy to quickly check how your agent is performing and take action where needed to improve your overall business performance.

Number tally widget visualization type example
Number tally widget visualization type example
Number tally widget visualization type example

The Number widget visualization type in Numerics.

The Number widget visualization type in Numerics.

Benefits of Tracking Collaborated tickets by agent in Zendesk customer support dashboards

Keeping track of the total number of collaborated tickets for your chosen agent is crucial for staying on top of your performance and identifying areas that require attention or improvement. With Numerics' Collaborated tickets by agent widget, you can easily and quickly access this KPI in real-time, allowing you to make informed decisions and take action right away. By using Numerics' intuitive and customizable dashboard, you can easily visualize and monitor this important metric alongside other relevant data, helping you to optimize your workflow and improve your overall business performance.

Full Integration Details:

Zendesk Integration Specifications:

Widget Templates:


Authentication Type:

Basic Auth

Supported plans:


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